vile bodies中文什么意思

发音:   用"vile bodies"造句
  • vile:    adj. 1.卑劣的,恶劣的;粗鄙的 ...
  • body:    n. 1.身体,体躯,肉体;尸首;躯 ...
  • bodies:    本斯琼斯氏体; 人或动物的身体; 柔 ...
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  1. Who shall change our vile body , that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body , according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself
  2. In hemingway ' s fiesta , lawrence ' s st mawr and evelyn waugh ' s vile bodies , all published in the late l920s when the world was in great horror and depression after world war , the important theme of alienation is discussed
    摘要美国小说家海明威的《太阳照样升起》 、英国小说家劳伦斯的《圣马》和伊夫林?沃的《罪恶的躯体》都出版于20世纪20年代末,当时世界正处于一战结束后的恐惧与绝望之中。
  3. Oh , madam , when you put bread and cheese , instead of burnt porridge , into these children s mouths , you may indeed feed their vile bodies , but you little think how you starve their immortal souls ! mr . brocklehurst again paused - perhaps overcome by his feelings
    啊,小姐,当你不是把烧焦的粥,而是把面包和奶酪放进孩子们嘴里的时候,你也许是在喂她们邪恶的肉体,而你却没有想到,你在使她们不朽的灵魂挨饿! ”


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